Harry Potter - Colección de las 8 películas
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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
English: Dolby Digital 5.1 EX (448 kbps)
French: Dolby Digital 5.1 EX
Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsFrench: Dolby Digital 5.1 EX
English: Dolby Digital 5.1 EX
French: Dolby Digital 5.1 EX
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban French: Dolby Digital 5.1 EX
English: Dolby Digital 5.1 (448 kbps)
French: Dolby Digital 5.1 (448 kbps)
Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1
Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireFrench: Dolby Digital 5.1 (448 kbps)
Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1
English: Dolby Digital 5.1
Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1
Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixSpanish: Dolby Digital 5.1
English: Dolby Digital 5.1
Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1
French: Dolby Digital 5.1
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceSpanish: Dolby Digital 5.1
French: Dolby Digital 5.1
English: Dolby Digital 5.1 (384 kbps)
Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1
English: Dolby Digital 5.1
Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1
English: Dolby Digital 5.1
French: Dolby Digital 5.1
Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1
(less)French: Dolby Digital 5.1
Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
English, French, Spanish
Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsEnglish, French, Spanish
6 more titles
Eight-disc set (8 DVD-9)
Region 1